Echo Garrett
Co-Founder of the Orange Duffel Bag Initiative/Journalist, Author, Speaker

Echo Garrett“In much the same way that Sam Bracken did as a homeless teen, we want to help young people to pack their bags with their hopes and dreams for a future. We want to encourage corporations and organizations to pack those same bags with connections to communities and tools that will help young people succeed on their journeys to self-sufficiency. To our knowledge, we are the only organization in the nation providing certified life plan coaching to youth in foster care, those aging out, and homeless youth.”

The award-winning writer and journalist is co-author of My Orange Duffel Bag, the basis of ODB’s coaching curriculum. She is a tireless advocate for ODB youth, frequently speaking and writing about the issues facing teens aging out of foster care. She has been recognized by Georgia Governor Nathan Deal for her efforts on behalf of at-risk youth. The American Society of Journalists and Authors awarded My Orange Duffel Bag the 2013 Arlene Eisenberg Award for Writing That Makes a Difference, given every three years to a book that made a significant difference in society. The Auburn University graduate was also named 2013 Georgia Author of the Year by the Atlanta Chapter of the National League of American Pen Women, recognizing her use of storytelling to raise awareness of this national crisis.